Conveniently located between here and there!

Travel Directions:
“Over the River and Through the Woods” is both the “tongue and cheek” directions as well as the literal. We have often told friends coming to visit that just when you think you’ve gone too far . . . keep going! But seriously, it is a beautiful scenic drive and well worth it once you get here. This is what country life is all about! His & Hers Farm is located along the scenic NH Route 123A, halfway between the villages of Alstead and South Acworth. The road parallels the scenic Cold River along its route. Unfortunately recent floods have damaged some roads and bridges, so please be aware.  Also, for those who remember its hey-day, we are about 3 miles from the historic recreation area of Vilas Pool.

GPS DIRECTIONS - For those of you who rely on technology to get you to the right places, our physical street address is 561 NH Route 123A, South Acworth, NH (at the intersection of Route 123A and Forest Road).  Note that our mailing address is Alstead NH, so either town may show up in the GPS.

• From points south (Hartford CT/NYC) - We are only 12 miles or so from Interstate 91 (Exit 5 – Bellows Falls & Westminster VT, and Walpole NH) – From the exit, take Route 5 south about a half-mile, take a left through the railroad underpass, and cross over the river into Walpole NH. Once in NH, take Route 12 north and a right turn at Dunkin Donuts onto Route 123 towards Alstead. Follow Route 123 through Alstead village and take a left onto Route 123-A towards Acworth. There is a large metal “Mammoth” at this intersection. Go past Vilas Pool (currently one lane), past the historic covered bridge, past Tamarack Farm (Yellow house and barn) and around the corner to His & Hers Farm.

• From Keene – We are 20 miles from the Downtown Square. Take Court Street and Route 12A north through Surry towards Alstead. Once up and over the mountain, take Route 123/12A north for less than one mile. Take a right onto Route 123A, (at the large "Mammoth"), past Vilas Pool and covered bridge, and 3 miles to our place.

• From the east (Concord or Manchester) – Take I-89 west from Concord, head south towards Keene/Hillsboro on Route 9. Continue south on Route 9 and take a right onto Route 31 towards Washington. In Washington village, take a left onto Lempster Mountain Road.  At the bottom of the mountain, take a left onto Route 10 south towards Marlow.  After few miles, take a right onto scenic (and often bumpy) Route 123A towards Acworth. Follow along the river through South Acworth Village to His & Hers Farm.

• From points north (Upper Valley area) - From Interstate 91 southbound, take Exit 7 (Springfield VT-Charlestown NH) - From the exit, cross the river into NH and take Route 12 south to  Route 12A towards Alstead.  Go through Alstead Village and take Route 123A towards Acworth. Past Vilas Pool and Covered Bridge to His & Hers Farm.  

But for those who need a bit more specifics, His & Hers Farm is located in the beautiful and rural town of Acworth (mailing address is Alstead), in the southwestern part of New Hampshire. This is one of the few remaining untouched areas of the state, close but just far enough from the busy tourist spots so that the condos and developments haven’t moved in yet. A little more than 2 miles up the winding road is the South Acworth Village Store, which dates back to 1865 and is like stepping back in time. In the other direction, past the historic 1869 McDermott Covered Bridge, is the charming village of Alstead with its busy General Store including gourmet deli selections of prepared foods and local foods. A few miles further are the beautiful towns of Walpole and Charlestown along the Connecticut River, and historic Bellows Falls, Vermont, just across the river. As the crow flies, we are less than 7 miles from the Connecticut River (Vermont Border) and approximately 30 miles north of the Massachusetts border.  

Regional Context: 
His & Hers Farm is located in Southwest New Hampshire, in the Town of Acworth (Mailing address is Alstead). It is halfway between the Cities of Keene and Claremont, NH and about 10-minutes from Bellows Falls, VT.  As a home base, we are 1-2 hours from many of New England's most amazing and iconic locations and attractions, including Boston, Portsmouth, Burlington, the White Mountains, Hanover (Dartmouth), Woodstock VT, the Berkshires, the Lakes Region, numerous ski areas and much more.  It's a great central spot to explore much of New England!
Distance from major airports
     o Manchester-Boston Regional Airport – (60 miles)
     o Bradley International Airport (Hartford) – (110 miles)
     o Logan International Airport (Boston) – (115 miles)